Siobhan contacted us as a direct referral from Freya’s success story
The GP had already confirmed a diagnosis of PCOS, and as a result of this condition Siobhan was experiencing a range of uncomfortable symptoms including skin issues, aches, pain, low energy, hormonal imbalances, constipation, panic attacks, poor sleep, brain fog and lack of motivation and weight gain.
In our initial conversation with Siobhan it was clear that her quality of life was hugely impacted by her skin and the pain that it brought.
Unlike other skin conditions that we support, this time we were dealing with a hormonal imbalance, driven mainly from Siobhan’s PCOS diagnosis, and a detoxification issue driven by chronic ongoing constipation.
Siobhan signed up for our 12-week package, downloaded our App, and started to experience the benefits almost immediately.
What did we do?
We adjusted Siobhan’s diet to include more fibre, antioxidants, protein and healthy fats, and lowered her sugar and white starchy carbohydrate intake. The results were visible within weeks!
Not only did the pounds and inches start to fall off, but inflammation reduced significantly, and everything started to fall in to balance.
Sleep improved which gave Siobhan more energy to become more active and productive in the day.
Panic attacks stopped and anxiety subsided.
The bumps on the top of her arms disappeared, and her skin started to dramatically change.
Siobhan was one of our more challenging clients when it came to meal ideas as she was a little fussy with her food. But that wasn’t a problem, because we love a challenge! AND we will never make you eat anything you don’t want to… that’s our promise.
We found ways for Siobhan to include more veggies in her daily diet such as homemade baked beans, tasty shakshuka, clean mixed grills and fajitas.
We came up with easy ways to prep and plan meals to support Siobhan’s busy schedule (she’s up early to tend to her horses) and we also added in some strategies to work around a girlie weekend away, a few family outings, and her birthday – WITHOUT having to miss out on cake and a tipple!
We upgraded Siobhan’s snacks and packed lunches to include more protein and protein, including grab and go bars for when she was visiting Crufts.
Here are some before and after photos of Siobhan that she has kindly agreed to share:
“I can’t express how happy I am about my skin. I wish you could touch it, it’s so soft”
Siobhan Says…
“After multiple steroid creams and many courses of antibiotics the doctors only advice was go back on the pill, and loose weight for my low mood – but I was offered no support how!
I was in the darkest place I’ve ever been before working with Meraki.
I even said to myself this is my final idea of what to do, how I wish it was the first thing I tried I’d have missed out on 2 years of depression, weigh gain and pain from my skin.
It’s been tough with how fussy an eater I am but Karen was understanding and not judgmental in my weird eating habits or hang ups.
I have learnt much more than just “diet”, it’s a life style change that’s manageable and most importantly for me realistic.
I sleep better than ever, I’ve lost over a stone, my brain fog is finally lifting and my skin is finally pain free again all from education and support of Karen.
I can’t thank you enough”
If you or someone you know is struggling with skin issues, get in touch and book an informal chat with us today
The most significant part of Siobhan’s success came from the weekly accountability coaching calls that we did each week. Our weekly calls are designed to make sure that you have the best outcomes at the end of your programme.
We ask: What you are struggling with? What are you finding easy? What’s on your schedule for the week ahead? How are you feeling? What are you noticing?
Our advice and support is personalised for you, based on what you need.